3 Things You Should Know About Teeth Grinding

May 9, 2022

When you chew, there are about 30-40 pounds of pressure put on your teeth. If you grind your teeth, that pressure can increase to 250 pounds. Yikes! It’s no wonder that people who suffer from regular teeth grinding (or bruxism) often experience excruciating toothaches, dental damage, and jaw pain. In many cases, a person doesn’t know that they grind their teeth because it typically happens during sleep. A family member, roommate, or spouse ...

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5 Mistakes to Avoid with Dental Implants

April 7, 2022

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, 3 million people in the United States have implants, and that number grows by 500,000 each year. If you’re a candidate for dental implants, educating yourself on what to expect and how to ensure a successful outcome is key. Below, we’ve listed five common mistakes that can derail your dental implants. 1) Being unaware of your options The dental implant journey is lengthy yet ...

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Dental Assistant Recognition Week

March 8, 2022

Dental Assistants Recognition Week™ (also known as DARW) is held the first full week in March (this year, it's March 6-12), and we want to take this opportunity to give our hard-working dental assistants the recognition they deserve! Our dental assistants are crucial to the success of our practice. They perform multiple functions, and we couldn't provide the level of patient care we do without them. One of the dental assistant's most ...

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Anatomy of a Dental Implant

February 11, 2022

The only permanent solution to tooth loss, dental implants have gained favor as the preferred method for tooth replacement. Not only do today's implants restore function, but, just as importantly, they also fulfill patients' esthetic expectations. What exactly are dental implants? Dental implants are essentially artificial tooth roots that create a strong foundation for artificial teeth known as crowns. Crowns are custom-made to fit a patient's mouth and match their natural teeth. Many ...

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The Importance of Preserving Tooth Structure

January 8, 2022

The benefits of preserving tooth structure goes beyond cosmetics to impact your overall health. Teeth are part of an intricate network of bones, tissues, and nerves. While they may look straightforward (i.e., a hard surface that grinds down food), teeth have a complex structure. Each tooth is comprised of the following components: Gums – Gums house the teeth and protect a tooth's roots and any teeth that have yet to break through. Crown - The ...

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Holiday Foods that are Good for your Teeth

December 7, 2021

The holidays are here, and with them come all the joys of the season – lights and decorations, time with friends and family, and those special treats we only get this time of year. The best way to enjoy the holiday festivities and keep your oral health intact is to balance those sticky, sugary foods with some that actually benefit your teeth and gums. We promise it’s not as hard as you might think! Fruit ...

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How Long do Dental Implants Last?

November 1, 2021

Over 500,000 dental implants are placed each year in the US. If you find yourself among this group, you probably have some questions, chiefly among them, how long will my dental implants last? The answer depends on a number of factors. Implants are essentially artificial tooth roots that create a strong foundation for artificial teeth known as crowns. Crowns are custom-made to fit a patient's mouth and match their natural teeth. By design ...

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Implants vs. Dentures: Which is Right for You?

October 3, 2021

If you’re dealing with tooth loss, you’re not alone. The American College of Prosthodontists estimates that 178 million Americans are affected by this serious problem. We understand the significant role a healthy smile plays in self-confidence and the far reaching-impact tooth loss can have on a patient’s quality of life. We know there are many restorative options available and believe patient education is the key to choosing the right treatments. Dentures and ...

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Dental Implants and Benefits

August 30, 2021

An estimated two in three Americans are missing one or more teeth, and a shocking 30 million Americans are missing all of their teeth in one or both jaws. Given the role a healthy smile plays in one’s self-confidence and quality of life, tooth loss can significantly impact a patient’s life. Fortunately, we now have several treatment options available, and patients can opt for realistic dental implants. Not only do today’s implants ...

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Are There Options for Repairing Severely Damaged Teeth?

July 29, 2021

Anyone who has ever experienced the agony of a toothache knows that poor oral health is more than an inconvenience; it negatively impacts your quality of life. Not only can damaged teeth cause physical pain, but they can also create extreme self-consciousness and pose significant health risks if left untreated. Damage occurs to teeth for a variety of reasons, from disease and facial trauma to years of teeth grinding or a misaligned bite. Fortunately, dental ...

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